As a parent or caretaker of an infant, you are undoubtedly aware of the numerous equipment options …
We are sharing the following resources for those interested in learning more about some of the information and research that guide our approaches in helping children and families:
Suggested Articles
Research Says Massage May Help Infants Sleep More, Cry Less And Be Less Stressed
New research by a team at the University of Warwick says that massage may help infants aged …
Motor Skills And More! Working On A Vertical Surface
One thing that stands out to me in the schools where I work is that you never see a good old fashioned chalkboard …
Top 3 Reasons why Occupational Therapy and Optometry Should Be Best Friends
“I went to the eye doctor and they said my eyes were fine.” As the saying goes, If I had a nickel for every time …
Top 10 Myths of Mealtime in America
Myth #1: Eating is the Body’s number 1 priority. Why it is FALSE: …
The Paradox of Sitting Still in Preschool
Sometimes, when people picture what learning looks like, they imagine perfectly quiet children in perfectly arranged …
Why You May Want to Skip the Sippy Cup for Your Baby
Are sippy cups really the best cup to introduce after (or alongside) breast or bottle? Experts suggest …
The Dangers of Distracted Parenting
Smartphones have by now been implicated in so many crummy outcomes—car fatalities, sleep disturbances, …
Chores For Kids: Promoting Developmental Skills
Read on to learn how common everyday chores for kids can help boost strength, proprioception, bilateral coordination, …
What PTSD Can Look Like When Your Child Has a Life-Threatening Illness
I know we are not supposed to say the word “normal,” but we all use it in our thoughts. This morning we almost …
Parent's Guide to Dental Health From Pregnancy to Young Adulthood
A healthy mouth begins in the womb. The way moms eat, clean their teeth, and work with medical professionals all have…
Suggested Books
We are here to help you and your child through Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Guide and Grow Sessions and Infant/Child Massage