- For ALL parents and their children age 0-5. Your child may or may not have a specific diagnosis or medical condition. You may simply have questions or concerns and would like to learn more about what you can do to support your child’s development.
- Available in your home within a 20 mile radius of the Fargo/Moorhead area.
- Available online through video call sessions“Video call sessions (often referred to as Telehealth) are done online through your phone, tablet or computer — any device with an internet connection, camera and microphone. Our Pediatric Occupational Therapist will connect with the parent(s) and child via our secure and HIPAA compliant platform on the designated day/time scheduled” for all families who are residents of ND and MN, via a secure telehealth platform to protect your privacy. We are excited that our Guide and Grow telehealth sessions enable us to reach all families in ND and MN!
The parent/child relationship is the cornerstone of supporting your child in their development.
As a parent you are the expert who knows your child’s strengths and gifts they offer to others daily! You also know the challenges, needs, and issues affecting daily experiences that you would like to make easier.
Guide and Grow sessions are a place parents can turn to for help and guidance.
We partner with parents through a collaborative coaching model to guide you in supporting your child’s development.
Our Guide and Grow developmental coaching sessions are:
Through our Guide and Grow sessions it is our aim that EVERY parent feel empowered in understanding their child’s development, and confident in helping their child move forward to achieve his or her greatest potential.
How parents use Guide and Grow Sessions:
- To see if their child is meeting developmental milestones within a typical range
- Learn strategies and activities they can incorporate into their daily lives to support and promote the next steps in their child’s development.
- To address specific concerns or questions they have regarding their child’s development or behaviors, such as concerns with feeding, movement, limited play, social interactions, or sensory issues affecting behavior and participation in daily activities.
- To gain knowledge as a new parent. There are so many developmental changes in the first year for your little one! New parents may choose monthly sessions during that first year to help track development and learn ways to interact, play and participate in activities and strategies with an individualized plan to promote the progression of developmental skills.
- To learn more about sensory processing as it relates to their child.
- To problem solve challenging routines such as bedtime, mealtime, dressing, baths, haircuts, and community outings.
- To understand the developmental needs of their foster child or adopted child.
- To have the Occupational Therapist educate caregivers at the child’s daycare or pre-school when the parent(s) request, so that everyone can “be on the same page” with carrying over recommended strategies for addressing any developmental concerns.
What can I expect during a Guide and Grow Session?
During an initial Guide and Grow session, we will address your child’s current level of development in all areas, and guide you in developmentally appropriate activities and interactions to help your child progress with the next steps in his/her development. We will answer your questions, discuss your goals for your child/family, and together problem solve any concerns you may have regarding your child’s developmental skills and daily activities.
As we help you with strategies and activities as needed through additional Guide and Grow sessions, part of the process is to ask questions and share how things are improving, changing, and/or what things may not be working. Your needs and priorities may change several times over the course of our sessions. That’s ok and we work collaboratively to make changes and keep moving forward!
Depending on your child’s age and your concerns, some areas we may discuss and address are how your child:
- Eats and drinks
- Uses their hands in play and feeding, to pick up small objects, or in other tasks such as manipulating buttons, zippers, and tying shoes
- Moves about his/her environment during play and other activities
- Engages in social interactions with you, siblings, others
- Transitions to bed and how your child sleeps
- Communicates their wants and needs during play and daily activities
- Plays with others and what their favorite activities/toys are
- Attends, problem solves, and understands cause and effect
- Uses their eyes and hands together
- Self regulates emotions and behavior in accordance with the demands of a situation and environment
- Participates in and completes self-help tasks such as dressing, hand and face washing, bathing, tooth brushing, hair care, and feeding
Details on scheduling a Guide and Grow Session with a Pediatric Occupational Therapist:
- Contact us directly to schedule. You are able to select 30, 45, or 60 minute sessions.
- After scheduling a Guide and Grow Session you will be sent all necessary initial paperwork to be completed at least 3 working days prior to your appointment. This allows the Pediatric Occupational Therapist time to review your information, and begin to know your child and family in order to be prepared and help you get the most out of your session together.
- If you schedule an online VIDEO CALL Guide and Grow session, you will be emailed a secure link to sign in for your video call session.
- If you schedule an IN HOME Guide and Grow session, the Pediatric Occupational Therapist will meet you at your home on the date/time you scheduled.
- Guide and Grow sessions are scheduled one at a time as you need them and as we mutually decide on a plan that meets the needs for your child and family and gets your questions answered.
Guide and Grow sessions are not intended to replace Occupational Therapy or other services. If it is determined that your child’s needs go beyond what can be addressed in our Guide and Grow sessions, we are able to guide you to the appropriate services to best meet your child and family’s needs.
Always FREE: Initial phone consultations to ensure we are a good fit for each other.
Guide and Grow Session - Video Call
$ 70
Session- Duration: 30 minutes
- Includes paperwork/preparation, follow up email with recommendations as requested
- Written report requested = $25
Guide and Grow Session - Video Call
$ 85
Session- Duration: 45 minutes
- Includes paperwork/preparation, follow up email with recommendations as requested
- Written report requested = $25
Guide and Grow Session - Video Call
$ 100
Session- Duration: 60 minutes
- Includes paperwork/preparation, follow up email with recommendations as requested
- Written report requested = $25
Guide and Grow Session - In Home
$ 85
Session- Duration: 30 minutes
- Includes paperwork/preparation, follow up email with recommendations as requested
- Written report requested = $25
- In-Home rates include travel
Guide and Grow Session - In Home
$ 95
Session- Duration: 45 minutes
- Includes paperwork/preparation, follow up email with recommendations as requested
- Written report requested = $25
- In-Home rates include travel
Guide and Grow Session - In Home
$ 110
Session- Duration: 60 minutes
- Includes paperwork/preparation, follow up email with recommendations as requested
- Written report requested = $25
- In-Home rates include travel

We are here to help you and your child through Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Guide and Grow Sessions and Infant/Child Massage